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Choose the Way You Purchase Microsoft Licenses

Take advantage of software licenses that offer flexible, feature-rich, and agile solutions. There are various purchasing options available for Microsoft products and solutions tailored to your business’s needs, size, and organizational structure.


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    Some of our Microsoft Licensing Programs

    Streamlining the acquisition process for Microsoft licensing is a fundamental aspect of our service, aimed at unlocking fresh business prospects.

    Cloud Solution Provider (CSP)

    Tailored for Small & Medium-sized enterprises, with no minimum user count requirement, CSP presents an excellent choice for customers seeking a flexible program featuring competitive pricing and no limitations, accompanied by the necessary support.

    Microsoft Products and Services Agreement (MPSA)

    MPSA offers customers access to perpetual licenses (with or without software assurance) and cloud services, all consolidated under a single umbrella that supports multiple purchasing accounts and shared pricing. It is designed for organizations with 250 or more users.

    Microsoft Enterprise Agreement

    Customized to accommodate organizations with a minimum of 500 users/devices, it offers optimal advantages for enterprises seeking a streamlined volume licensing program that is easily manageable.

    What Is Microsoft Software Assurance?

    As defined by Microsoft, Software Assurance is an extensive program encompassing a distinctive array of technologies, services, and entitlements aimed at optimizing the efficient utilization of Microsoft products. It enables businesses to stay current and agile, ensuring readiness to adapt swiftly to changes and seize opportunities.

    Why Choose Wireless Solution Company?

    Wireless Solution Company has a proven track record of delivering high-quality, reliable IT services to clients across various industries.

    All-Inclusive IT Hub

    Our comprehensive suite of IT services and solutions addresses a broad spectrum of technological needs, encompassing everything from cloud infrastructure to business applications.

    Experience in SA Market

    Offered IT solutions and services to businesses across diverse industries and government sectors in Saudi Arabia.

    End-to-End Services

    From initial assessments, through licensing or configuration, to final deployment, we handle every step of the process!

    3 0 +
    Years of Experience
    700 0 +
    Satisfied Customers
    300 0 +
    Projects Completed
    6 0 +

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    template and that is because we love the design, the large number of possibilities.

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